Antonin Kratochvil is a Czech-born American photojournalist and he is a founding member of VII Photo Agency. Kratochvil was born in 1947 in Litoměřice, Czechoslovakia. He gained a BFA in Photography from Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam. He has photographed Mongolia's street children for the magazine of the American Museum of Natural History and the Iraq War for Fortune. Kratochvil was then suspended from VII Photo Agency in 2017 after sexual harassment allegations were made and he continued to deny they ever happened.

Kratochvil has six publications, for example, Broken Dream: 20 Years of War in Eastern Europe in 1997 and contributed to two other publications. He also has 14 awards like the Infinity Award: Photojournalist of the Year, International Center of Photography (awarded in 1991) and Gold ARC Award for Best Annual Report, NGO Category, for Rockefeller Foundation 1999 Annual Report (awarded in 2000).

For my personal opinion on Kratochvil’s work, I feel like its very messy and that its just random photos taken at random places and time of day. When I first saw his work, I was confused about the message he was trying to convey since just by looking at them it felt like they were all just photos that were accidently taken. What is the point of the photo I posted below? To me, it just seems like Kratochvil is just bothering this man by taking his photo.


  1. His 'Broken Dream' was the first photo book that literally took my breath away. I wasn't just looking, I was feeling, and he achieved that by breaking every 'rule' in the book brilliantly. I guess the guy is like Marmite, you love him or loath him. He isthemost 'awarde' photographer currently living. Someone thinks he's important! :)


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