Sebastiao Salgado is a Brazilian social documentary photographer and photojournalist. He has traveled to over 120 countries for his photographic projects, and most of these have appeared in an abundance of press publications and books. Salgado works on long term, self-assigned projects many of which have been published as books: The Other Americas, Sahel, Workers, Migrations, and Genesis.

Salgado began work as an economist for the International Coffee Organization when he first started seriously taking photographs. He then chose to abandon the career as an economist and switched to photography in 1973, working initially on news assignments before veering more towards documentary-style of work. He is particularly noted for his social documentary photography of workers in less developed nations. 

I personally loved the style and the composition of Salgado's work. Seeing all his photos from all around the world really captured my attention. Especially the one photo that I posted below; that one really caught my attention. Not sure if it was all the sheep in the background or if it was the mood and his stature that the man was giving off, but I enjoyed it.


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