Photography was always in my life. My grandmother was the person in my family who always had the camera in her hands and with her eye against the view finder. She wasn't serious about it, she just wanted to save and keep memories of her family close to her, and I guess that rubbed off on me.

    Unlike my grandmother, I started to self teach myself some aspects of photography and take photos of more objects rather than just stick to family and friends. Even though, they are still one of the most used subject for my photos. I just love the idea of being able to capture a moment in time and being allowed to look back at it and remember the exact time, place, and story behind the photograph I had taken.

     As a Archaeology/ Photography major, I'm excited to learn the proper way to photograph subject and to use a camera correctly, not just have it on auto all the time and only use digital. Digital is great and everything, but it just doesn't give that feeling of nostalgia or accomplishment that film and negatives can.


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